Sunday, February 9, 2020

15 Unique Monthly Baby Photoshoot Ideas to Create Memories

Sometimes size comparison is the best way to show growth. Pick a stuffed animal that is the same size as them at one month so that by the 12 month milestone the progress will be clear. Proudly show off your baby by holding them high above your head. Catch the window of time when they will be small enough to lift up in photos by recreating this pose month over month.

1 month baby photo ideas

The main idea is to make your kid a part of the number. Experiment with different positions to choose the one that will help you bring your message across. You can use a large blackboard as a background or take a small blackboard that won’t distract a viewer’s attention. Write a funny caption on the blackboard to give your photo a more positive feel. The background should be neutral to make it possible to read the caption. The photos you take will no doubt become some of your most prize possessions, due to how incredibly sentimental they are.


All you need is a big black board which you can place next to a chair. The Nature Babe – By Rosenhoff has an adorable baby birth announcement photo using natural elements like leaves and twigs. The name, date and time of the birth can be easily shown, and is a great idea if you don’t want to give out any more information.

1 month baby photo ideas

Many newborn babies feel safe and comfortable when swaddled, and will sleep deeply and well. This gives you time to take a few keepsake photos while knowing that you are not disturbing your precious baby. The simple setup of this photoshoot includes placing the baby inside of the bucket or bassinet and snapping a photo. You can opt to have the baby’s month number in the picture or not. Continuing the floral theme, I wanted to incorporate holding baby, flowers, and the time of year in Mia’s monthly photos.

Final Words On Planning On Your Unique Monthly Baby Photo Shoot

A beautiful rocking horse serves as the prop for this monthly photo series that really highlights development and growth. Then a patterned backdrop and some balloons are the perfect tools for you! We really like Momtog‘s idea of subtly counting the months by adding another balloon to each picture. Choosing the same backdrop every time helps highlight just how much Baby has grown and changed each month compared to the last. Pin each onesie to a plain white t-shirt so it stands out.

1 month baby photo ideas

It’s not advisable to place a baby on unsteady or high surfaces without support. Hence, it’s best if your setup is on the ground to ensure that the newborn won’t roll off anything. When selecting clothes and the background, it’s better to choose light tones. However, a number on the cake should be brighter so that it’s easier to notice it.

Month Baby Photoshoot Ideas at Home (6 Incredible Tips)

Use your lens to take photos of hair, eyelashes, noses, ears, and belly buttons. Look for significant features like tiny fingers and toes, as well as rosebud lips and crinkly little chins. Using the same pose, take a nice shot from above while another is on eye level. In this way, it will be easy for you to get a variety of shots in a single pose.

Listed below are some of the best ideas from Sandeep Shokeen, for your baby’s one-month photo shoot. Are you searching for 1 month baby photoshoot ideas at home? Today, we’ll provide you with easy-to-follow guidelines for taking stunning newborn photos without ever leaving your home. We’ll also provide you with a list of creative poses and sample images in case you need some help finding your creative mojo. And I can confirm that, when photographing newborn babies, home studio setups are frequently the most productive.

Wonderful DIY Sweet Butterfly Dessert

You can schedule the shoot around the babies feeding schedule to ensure that this happens. When newborn babies eat they get drowsy, this is good news for you! Grab your electric blanket, heat pad, or space heater and put it near or under where the baby will be laying. Place the newborn into position and make sure they are nice and comfortable. Don’t forget to also place the white noise maker under the blanket so they feel right at home. I would love to recommend that you do all of the clothed shots first and save any naked photos til the very end.

1 month baby photo ideas

This is just another way to make the newborn feel secure and comfortable. It makes the environment feel just like the womb and they will fall fast asleep. Using some sort of heating device is the single most important tip I have when doing one-month babies photography.

When Is The Ideal Time To Capture Pictures Of Newborns?

If you want to get a really polished look you can hang up a blanket to act as the backdrop. By setting it up at least 5-8 feet from the subject it will become blurry in the photos and look very professional. For instance, using the same blanket or teddy bear in the shot when taking the snapshot will make it simple for you to document the baby’s growth. To take photos of a baby at different months in a consistent style, make sure to use ready-made tools and presets.

Once you’ve uploaded the pictures, use Photoshop or another editing program to add the month numbers onto baby’s belly. The cutest “month by month” pictures, though, are the ones that have some kind of backdrop, staging, or set up. The Dad Pics – Dads somehow have an uncanny ability to make things funnier than they are, and kids love this.

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